The biggest question in Alanya these days is that when hotels and beaches will open. So when will tourism start in general?
Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, “If nothing goes wrong, I hope tourism will start with the domestic tourism movement like May 28.” said.

Photo by Barış Dülgar, Stand up paddle
Ministers Ersoy said:
If nothing goes wrong, I hope tourism starts with the domestic tourism movement like May 28. After mid-June, we think that foreign tourism will start in certain countries. (Kovid-19 process) We did not close the hotels, the facilities had to close themselves because the air and ground traffic was stopped. We have taken the necessary steps. Safe perception must be ensured completely. For this, we have launched a detailed certification program. It was the first in the world, and the EU has decided to do a similar study.
My prediction is, I believe that the domestic flights will open if there is no relaxation in the social discipline and the data continues to go down at the end of May. Overseas flights will start at several points in June, I think the same way. Asia seems to be opened if the traffic. China, South Korea There are rapid improvements in many countries such as. They seem to open first. There are serious improvements in European countries.
It is time to pass the second stage
First, you need to solve the trouble in your own country. There are issues you need to do first, such as preventing the spread of viruses, reducing the number of cases to zero if possible. Then, you need to observe the countries that supply tourists. We are doing so now. We monitor the development of the virus in countries that provide us with intense tourist traffic. Improvements began in many countries quickly. Especially in European countries. Now we can pass the second stage, we have to gradually start the traffic with them.
There are important studies taken by our Ministry of Health in terms of domestic measures. Normalization processes are also evaluated in the cabinet every week, and the views of the Scientific Board are announced weekly. Because by seeing those developments, normalization should start with slow steps.
We certainly hope that the tourist season will open as soon as possible, but what matters is the health of tourists and locals.
See you in Alanya in June.
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